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How to use Icypeas on Make

Here's a video tutorial :

Alternatively, you have the choice to explore the written tutorial provided beneath.

Summary : 

  • I. Email search (single search)
  • II. Domain search (single search)
  • III. Email verification (single search) 
  • IV - Watch results with Webhook

I. Email search (single search)

This workflow is dedicated to email search. Once completely finished, your workflow will look like this:

1) In Make, select "Create a New Scenario" from the Scenarios section.

2) Click on the "+" symbol and search for the Icypeas module.

3) Choose the "Single Email Search" option.

4) First, you need to connect your Icypeas account. Click on the "Add" button.

You will need your API key to connect to your Icypeas account. You can find it in the "API" section of your Icypeas profile.

Your User ID can be found in your Icypeas account, under your profile, in the API section.

Here is what you should have :

Click save.

5) Enter the first name, last name, and the company or domain name of the person whose email you want to find, and then click "OK".

6) To simplify, we will execute the workflow on demand. Click on the clock icon.

Then, choose "On Demand" and click the "OK" button.

7) Next, to ensure that the email search is completed, let's add a sleep node to wait for the search to finish. Click on the "Tools" button at the bottom of your screen.

Select "Sleep" :

Position the module near the first Icypeas module, then set a 30-second delay and click "OK."

8) Now, to retrieve the result, click on the "+" symbol and add another module.

Choose the Icypeas module.

Then, select "Get Single Result."

9) Choose your credentials.

10) Return to your second Icypeas module and select your search ID.

Click "OK".

11) To view your result, click on "Run Once" at the bottom left of your screen.

Wait for the workflow to execute.

12) Click on the magnifying glass icon near the second Icypeas module.

You will find your email in the output section.

Refer to the certainty field to determine if the email is correct: if it shows "not_found," it means nothing has been found.

If you want to use the found email elsewhere, simply select it from the outputs. For example, here in a Google Sheet:

II. Domain search (single search)

Follow the same steps as the Email Search, BUT with these changes : 

At step 3): Select "Single Domain Search" instead of "Single Email Search."

At step 5): Enter the company name or domain name you wish to search.

The other steps remain the same. 

III. Email verification (single search) 

The process is quite similar to the Email Search. The changes you need to make are:

At step 3): Select “Single Email Verification” instead of “Single Email Search”.

At step 5): Enter the email you wish to verify.

The remaining steps are the same.

If your email is incorrect, you will see "Empty" next to "emails:" in the output section.

IV - Watch results with Webhook

Another way to utilize the Icypeas module is by conducting your Email Search/Verification or Domain Search directly via your Icypeas account at https://www.icypeas.com/, and receiving your results on Make !

Here's how to do it :

1) Select the Icypeas module, then click on “Watch single result (webhook)”.

2) Add a new hook :

Choose your credentials. Refer to Section I. Email Search (single search), step 4, if you haven't registered your credentials yet.

Click on "save".

3) Copy the URL :

4) Visit https://app.icypeas.com/bo/profile and go to the API section.

Paste the URL in the field labeled “ Notification à chaque ligne traitée dans un fichier “ : 

Click on “Save notifications routes”.

Now, when you run your workflow, your webhook will be ready to process your searches for emails/verify emails on https://www.icypeas.com/

Here is an example . 

First, I run my workflow : 

Then, I perform an email search on Icypeas.

You will receive your results by clicking on the magnifying glass in Make (this works the same way as in the Email Search, Domain Search, and Email Verification).